9 Ways to Fight for Purity in Your Marriage
Christians often assume that if they aren’t having sex with anyone other than their spouse, then they are considered to be sexually pure. The reality is, being sexually pure involves more than intercourse; it involves our whole person – our mind, body, heart, and even the words we speak. One of the fastest ways to destroy a marriage is for one or both partners to give up on the fight for purity. But, how do we fight for purity in our marriages? How do we resist temptation and protect our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts? It’s not always easy, but with guidance from God’s Word, help from the Holy Spirit,…
New Book! “My So Much More” is here!
I am excited to announce the release of My So Much More. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! My So Much More is available through Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle e-book. Faith Moore is living a new normal, and she hates it. Her once vibrant, tight-knit family is unraveling at the seams, and Faith knows her secrets are to blame. Keenly observant and deeply human, Faith imperfectly guides her family through the darkest season of their lives. With wit, humor, death, and longing, the Moores reveal a brokenness that resides in the deepest corners of the heart. My So Much More is…
8 Ways Adult Children Can Still Honor Their Father and Mother
We’re all familiar with Ephesians 6: 1-3, “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (this is the first commandment with a promise) that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” When we’re living under our parents’ roof it is right to obey them, but as an adult, out from under the direct authority of our parents, we can struggle to understand what it means to honor them. Honoring our parents can be challenging for many reasons. Perhaps you are a faithful follower of Christ, but your parents are not. Perhaps one or both…
How to Prepare Your Teen for a Godly Marriage in the Future
Your kids are nearing that age where romance seems a little less yucky and somewhat intriguing. Don’t assume that just because they don’t talk to you about that they aren’t thinking about it! As parents, we need to be prepared to help guide our kids in their thinking about dating, courtship, and marriage. Remember, your kids are your disciples and it’s vital that you help them think Biblically about marriage and choosing a spouse. Unfortunately, the world lies to our kids about three basic aspects of marriage: marriage isn’t necessary, marriage isn’t forever, and marriage isn’t just between a man and a woman. Let’s dig a little deeper into what…
7 Powerful Encouragements for the Empty Nester
By this time next year my husband and I will be empty nesters. I’ve always heard that this season of life can leave a woman feeling purposeless and I’m beginning to understand why. With a year to go, I’ve already been asked the following questions: “What will you do with yourself?”, “What will you do with all your free time?”, “How does it feel not having all your children with you?”, “Isn’t it strange to not be needed anymore?” With questions like these, it’s no wonder moms are left feeling purposeless. I admit, there are days when I look forward to the empty nest season and there are days I…
10 Practical Ways to Help Your Children Have Sexual Integrity
As Christian parents, we want our children to know, love, and live for the Lord. But, let’s be honest, we also want earthly pleasures for our kids. For some, this list might include good grades, accomplishments in sports, college scholarships, financial success, etc. At the end of the day what it boils down to is that parents want their children to be their version of happy. In this day and age, in the sex-craved society we live in, I would challenge you to add sexual integrity to your list of wants for your children. This, whether your children know the Lord or not, is far more important than good grades…
Is it Okay to Question God after Recent Shootings?
After the mass killings in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, many people are left asking why? “Why, Lord, do you allow these things to happen?” It’s easy to feel helpless and frightened and ask, “How Lord do I let go of this fear and live my life? I feel paralized!” We don’t know how to help these families who have lost loved ones yet, as our hearts ache for them we ask, “Lord, what do I do?” In times like these the best thing we can do is go to the Lord in prayer. Pour out your heart to Him and be still, knowing He is God (Psalm…
4 Steps for Responding to Hurt in a Godly Way
You and your spouse are unique, as is your marriage. However, there is one thing you have in common with every other married couple – you and your spouse are sinners. Because of this truth, you are going to hurt your spouse and your spouse is going to hurt you. The questions we must be prepared to answer are: How will I respond? How will we reconcile? Can I forgive? Something we learn very early on in our marriages is that we have zero control over how our spouse speaks to us or act towards us. In other words, we can’t keep our spouse from hurting us. But, there’s something…
9 Uplifting Prayers for Moms Carrying the “Mother Load”
Being a mother is wonderful, but it isn’t always easy. It can be rewarding while also being a thankless job. Being a mother can be exhilarating but also exhausting. Women can surround themselves with other mothers yet still feel very lonely. Whether you’re a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a foster mom or a mom of a child with special needs, there’s one thing all moms have in common…we all need Jesus! Below are the beginnings of prayers to help guide you in talking to God about your own “Mother Load.” If you read them all, you’ll notice that the prayers are very similar. Let that be a reminder that…
A Comforting Prayer for the New Graduate
It’s graduation time! You’ve done it! You’ve survived high school, or your first college degree, or maybe even your second. It’s time to celebrate your accomplishment! Hopefully, you’ve had friends and family gather around you to share in this momentous occasion. Perhaps you’ve had a party thrown in your honor or perhaps you celebrated quietly. Either way, this is intended to be a time of excitement and celebration! But, as with any celebration, the festivities will end. The congratulatory cards will stop coming and the excitement will subside. Expectations are voiced and for many, this is when the reality of graduation becomes a time of stress, confusion, and fear. Whether…