When Your Dream is the Last Thing Your Spouse Wants
The statement, “My spouse doesn’t support my dream” is often followed by the question, “God wants me to be happy, doesn’t He?” The biggest, most obvious sacrifice we make to be joined in marriage is our personal freedom. When we were single, we had the freedom to pursue any dream we wanted, whenever we wanted. But that changes once we’re married. Suddenly your time is not your own, your schedule now involves another person, your daily routine changes to accommodate your spouse and often, your dreams get put on hold. But all that is okay and just as it should be. Mark 10:8 tells us that in regards to a man and woman…
New Book! “Sister Sunday” is here!
My regular readers have probably been wondering why I haven’t been blogging for a while. The answer is…I’ve been pursuing my dream of publishing a novel! I am excited to announce the release of Sister Sunday. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sister Sunday is available through Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle e-book. Each day Delitha has two goals: do her work well and stay out of her mother’s way. As the daughter of an innkeeper, it doesn’t seem odd that Delitha would live her young life as a servant. But few would guess at the darkness surrounding her family. Sister Sunday…
How to Equip Your Son to Fight Spiritual Battles
As parents, we educate our children to ensure that, once on their own, they can provide for themselves and prosper. But there is more to this life than choosing the right school, finding the right job, or climbing the corporate ladder. Whether or not we want to admit it, we are surrounded by spiritual battles, both inward and outward. We must prepare our sons for battle as we prepare them for every other aspect of life. Here are six ways to equip your son to fight spiritual battles. 1. Help him understand scripture. I’ve always told my sons that while memorizing scripture is important, understanding scripture is even more important.…
A Prayer for Fighting Suicidal Thoughts
Over the years, I’ve learned three important things about fighting suicidal thoughts: 1. Having suicidal thoughts and being suicidal are two different things. Both, however are very serious and deserve attention. 2. People have suicidal thoughts for a wide range of reasons. Therefore you shouldn’t compare yourself, your circumstances or your state of mind to anyone else. 3. It’s often hard to pray when you’re consumed with suicidal thoughts. In fact, while praying is the most important thing you can do, it’s often the very last thing you want to do. It will require self discipline and self control. It will require a strength that can only come from God.…
5 Ways You May be Cheating on Your Spouse without Realizing It
The last thing any married person wants to hear is that their spouse has been unfaithful. But, the truth is, you’ve probably been unfaithful and didn’t even realize it. Typically when we think of cheating, we think of having a physical affair, which can be a reality for both men and women. However, being unfaithful to one another goes deeper than a physical relationship. Most married couples will agree that being unfaithful can include emotional affairs and viewing pornography, but let’s consider the less obvious ways we’re unfaithful to our spouses. 1. Self Did you know you could be unfaithful to your spouse with yourself? Anytime you choose self-gratification over…
10 Reasons Why Young Moms Still Need Mentors (Not Just Parenting Blogs)
When my children were little, I loved spending time with older moms with hopes of gleaning wisdom from their years of experience. While I didn’t agree with every opinion and follow every word of advice, I always appreciated seeing motherhood through the lens of different women. During those years, I often looked forward to being an older mom myself so that I could pass on what I had learned. I wanted to share what other moms had taught me and what I had learned on my own through trial and error. Unfortunately, now that I am an older mom I’m finding that younger moms aren’t coming to me, or any…
Failing to Meet Your Goals for the New Year Can be a Blessing in Disguise
As we bring 2017 to a close, I confess to not reaching any of my New Year’s resolutions, and I’m fighting the urge to be overcome with disappointment. This is the second year in a row I failed to meet my resolutions and I know I’m not alone in this. The majority of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail to see them through. Like so many, the past two years just didn’t look the way I thought they would. I’ve been fighting a health condition that causes chronic pain, and this pain, along with other symptoms, has kept me from accomplishing my goals. When I think back on this…
10 Issues Your Church Should be Praying Together About
While private prayer is vital to the Christian life, so is praying together with our church families. Here are 10 Issues Your Church Should be Praying Together About.
10 Reasons Women Miss Church
We’ve all missed our church gathering at some point for one reason or another but some let it become a habit. If you have a sister in Christ who has been neglecting worship with her church family here are 10 possible reasons why. 10 Reasons Women Miss Church
5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health
Taking time to care for your mental health will benefit you, those around you, and the quality of your daily work. While caring for our mental health is a personal task that can look different for each of us, I hope this offers you a good place to start on your journey to continued mental health. 1. Know your breaking point. We tend to live our lives based on obligations and the expectations of others. We tend to stretch ourselves too thin and then wonder why we can’t be great at everything we do. But we keep at it, believing the message of our culture that not only can we…