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Culture Versus Christianity: How Your Teen Might Perceive the Church
After eight decades of tracking the religious practices of Americans, the most recent Gallup poll shows that less than half our country belongs to a church of any kind. This is heart-wrenching, to say the least. While there are many reasons for this decline in church membership, I’m going to focus on the growing trend among older teens and young adults to stop gathering for corporate worship, to start redefining their faith, or to deconstruct their faith altogether. This trend is not only heartbreaking but should cause us all to ask ourselves some serious questions. Why is this happening? What could we, as the church, be doing differently? What could we, as…
10 Powerful Prayers to Protect Your Children from Satan
1 Peter 5:8 tells us that our adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. We know the enemy wants our children; he wants to pull them away from us, from their faith, and from the one true God. We also know that Satan is crafty, and he tries to pull our children away in a variety of ways: by temptation, distractions, deception, etc. Thankfully, we serve a God that invites us to pray, to talk with Him about the longings of our hearts. He has also given us His Word, full of wisdom and promises that can guide us in our prayers. When we…
What Is Emotional Purity and How Can You Protect It?
Protecting your emotional purity can be a touchy subject. We approach this subject having been influenced by our upbringing, our own experiences, and by observing what did and didn’t work for those around us. The other difficult part of this conversation is that people tend to make blanket statements implying there’s a “one size fits all” way to be emotionally pure. And let’s be honest, some people don’t even know what we mean when we talk about emotional purity. While there are biblical truths that can be applied to emotional purity, it is also true that emotional purity looks different for different people and in different stages of life. This is a…
Recognizing Warning Signs of Spiritual Abuse in the Church
Have you ever heard someone say they were spiritually abused and didn’t know what to think about it? Do you consider yourself to be spiritually abused but don’t know how to move forward in healing? My goal here is not to give you all the answers, but rather encourage you to dig in to this sensitive topic and grapple with the questions that come with it. While the topic of spiritual abuse can be confusing, what’s clear is that there is hope, and healing can happen! I pray this helps you take first steps in that direction. Like all forms of abuse, the effects can be life-altering and long-lasting. Trust…
A Prayer to Overcome Evil
If you live on this earth you can be sure of one thing: you will witness evil. We should expect it and be prepared to react. How then, should we respond to evil? Hate Evil. Romans 12:9 tells us “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.”This may seem obvious, but our culture has turned evil into entertainment. We pay money to see evil unfold on the big screen. We etch out time to sit in our own homes and watch evil prevail on television. Because of this, we often find ourselves numb to the actual presence of evil when we see it on the news or…
How Your Response to COVID, Racism, and the Election Can Impact Your Kids
Can parents do things to hurt their children’s faith? That’s a question that has been asked and a topic that has been written on countless times! As a mother, when I’m faced with this question, my answer usually centers around two words: our response. How parents respond to the world speaks volumes to our children about our faith, our understanding of the gospel, and our acceptance of God’s sovereignty. Good or bad, the home is a child’s first school, and the parents the first teachers. Our children are watching, listening and learning from our every move. Matthew 15:18 tells us that what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.…
A Convicting Prayer for Compassion on Those Affected by Racism
As conversations about racial tension surface I find myself, as a middle-aged white woman, increasingly discouraged. Not because of the topic at hand, but by the way my brothers and sisters in Christ are using their words to tear down instead of build up. This is a time when we should be reflecting the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. But instead, I’m reminded of how deep our sin runs and how easily we’re distracted from what should be our main focus: the gospel. Don’t get me wrong–there has been an outpouring of love, confession, and repentance from many people, and I pray that continues. My focus today, however, is…
Is it Okay to Be Angry at God because of the Coronavirus?
You don’t have to spend much time on social media to know that people have a wide range of emotions, opinions, and ideas about COVID-19. There are those who aren’t feeling any strain at all and have enjoyed a stay-at-home order, while others have had their entire lives turned upside-down with devastating long-term effects. The wide variety of experiences reminds me of a post I recently saw that said, “We may all be in the same storm, but we’re not all in the same boat.” Because we’re not all “in the same boat,” it’s easy to see why there are so many varied emotions surrounding this pandemic. One common emotion…
10 Powerful Prayers for Everyone Affected by the COVID-19 Crisis
COVID-19 is doing more than threatening our physical health, for many, it’s affecting their mental and emotional health as well. The coming months will likely be full of disappointment, sacrifice, and mourning. But, as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can also look to the months ahead and anticipate joy, personal growth, and new opportunities to live out our faith. With that being said, the best thing we can do right now is pray. Below are 10 prayers for those affected by COVID-19 (which is all of us!). Use these prayers as a guide to pray for yourself, but don’t forget that being others-focused is a constant theme throughout…
A Mighty Prayer for Those Stuck in Unsafe Situations during Quarantine
COVID-19 has created a lot of problems for a lot of people. The past weeks have been full of disappointment, frustration, and for many, great heartache. However, when states started issuing stay-at-home orders, I’m ashamed to say my immediate thoughts went to myself and how unaffected I would be by this. I’m an introvert; a homebody. I love being “stuck” at home and am always happy to be stuck at home with my family. But I confess, I wasn’t thinking about how many people can’t say that. We all know families who are struggling during this time because they aren’t used to being under one roof 24/7. And by struggling,…