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5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health
Taking time to care for your mental health will benefit you, those around you, and the quality of your daily work. While caring for our mental health is a personal task that can look different for each of us, I hope this offers you a good place to start on your journey to continued mental health. 1. Know your breaking point. We tend to live our lives based on obligations and the expectations of others. We tend to stretch ourselves too thin and then wonder why we can’t be great at everything we do. But we keep at it, believing the message of our culture that not only can we…
10 Ways to Get Involved in Your Church
Most church goers, at one point or another, have thought about how to be more involved in their church body. If this has been on your mind and you need help knowing where to get plugged in, check out my latest slideshow, 10 Ways to Get Involved in Your Church.
15 Women to Pray for This Mother’s Day
If you’ve never researched the history of Mother’s Day, it would be worth your time to do so. It might interest you to know that the woman credited for Mother’s Day being established as a national holiday was never married and was never a mother. She simply wanted to acknowledge and celebrate the sacrifices that mothers, including her own, made for their children. Mother’s Day has a become one of the most popular American holidays and results in more phone calls than any other day of the year. But, don’t let all the festivities fool you. This Mother’s Day there will be women among you who will be wearing smiles,…
How to Talk to Your Friend Who Only Goes to Church on Easter Sunday
Studies show that more Americans search the word “churches” around Easter than any other time of the year. If you know someone who only attends corporate worship once or twice a year, you may want to speak with them about this but not know how. As we approach Easter Sunday, I encourage you to pray for an opportunity to have a fruitful conversation. Below are some ideas that will hopefully help get you started. Things to remember before talking with your friend: Don’t succumb to spiritual pride. As Christians, it’s easy to forget that our knowledge of God isn’t from ourselves. Ephesians 2:8 reminds us that our faith is not of our…
Why God? 5 Things to Remember When Natural Disasters Occur
Whether it’s on the news or in our own back yards, we’ve all seen the devastation of natural disasters unfold. When the fear has subsided and we’re left picking up the pieces, it’s easy to ask, “Why, God?” If you or someone you know has asked this question, I invite you to read my latest article, “Why God? 5 Things to Remember When Natural Disasters Occur”
How Should You Respond to Evil?
If you live on this earth you can be sure of one thing: you will witness evil. We should expect it and be prepared to react. How then, should we respond to evil? Hate It Romans 12:9 tells us “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” This may seem obvious, but our culture has turned evil into entertainment. We pay money to see evil unfold on the big screen. We etch out time to sit in our own homes and watch evil prevail on television. Because of this, we often find ourselves numb to the actual presence of evil when we see it on the news…
Where is God in the book of Esther?
Esther is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I love how God can be found in each and every situation, yet he is never mentioned. I highlighted just a few examples of God’s involvement in my latest article “The book of the Bible that’s all about God without mentioning Him.”
When Should I Admit My Mistakes to My Child?
If you are the owner of a preschooler, you may also be the owner of a Beginner’s Bible. My 5 year-old, Daniel has always been drawn to stories with battles and unlikely heroes, his favorite being David and Goliath. My 4 year-old, Levi has always claimed the “no-no fruit” as his favorite. He has always found it hard to believe that Adam and Eve made such a “bad choice.” It wasn’t too long ago that we were reading this story together and he said to me, “Mommy, if God told me not to eat the no-no fruit, I would never ever eat it. I wouldn’t even go near it.” “Oh,…
20 Patient People
We all have our unique struggles in life; our own battles to fight. In these trying times we are often challenged by a lack of patience. My latest contribution on will remind you of 20 People Who Had to be More Patient Than You.
Why You Need to Think before Posting That Swimsuit Photo of Your Man on Facebook
This is a topic I’ve wanted to write about for years! I’m grateful to for allowing me to share my thoughts with such a wide audience. Please read and share “Why You Need to Think before Posting That Swimsuit Photo of Your Man on Facebook”.