Kim Kardashian is a slave….
Over the past two days I have seen two posts that caught my eye; “What you should tell your teen (and yourself) about Kim Kardashian” and “Things I plan to tell my teenage boys about the nude pictures of Kim Kardashian”.
I would like to add to the Kim Kardashian buzz by saying, “Let’s pray for her.”
Our two sons were fairly young when we let them watch the Star Wars movies for the first time. I remember cringing when we got to the scene in The Return of the Jedi where Princess Leia is scantily dressed while chained to the wall in Jabba the Hutt’s lair. I also remember appreciating my husband’s wisdom in explaining to our boys that Princess Leia didn’t want to be dressed that way. She was enslaved by Jabba the Hut and he forced her to dress that way for his pleasure.
I still cling to that explanation (or at least a version of that explanation) when my boys (now 12 and 14) find themselves confronted with women like Kim Kardashian. Why? Because, Kim Kardashian is also a slave. She is a slave to sin.
I can spend my time being angry at women like Kim Kardashian; women who take off their clothes and try for the attention of my husband and sons. But, at the end of the day, I feel dreadfully sorry for these women. These women are slaves; slaves to a force much greater and much more dangerous than Jabba the Hutt. Princess Leia knew she was enslaved, as my husband said, she didn’t choose to reveal that much of her skin. Kim Kardasahian, however, doesn’t realize she’s a slave. She wants to do what she’s doing, which makes this a more serious situation; a situation that can only be dealt with by a higher power.
I agree with the two articles I mentioned above. We need to be talking to our daughters (and ourselves) about our worth as women and how our worth is not found beneath our clothing. We need to be talking to our sons, asking them awkward questions and teaching them that they have complete control over the “second glance”. But, we also need to be teaching our children that women (and men) who pose nude (or practically nude) are slaves to sin and they need our prayers.
I encourage you to talk to your daughters about their self-worth; I encourage you to talk to your sons about keeping their hearts, minds and bodies sexually pure, and I encourage you to invite your children to join you in praying for Kim Kardashian and all the Kim Kardashian wannabes.
I can’t help but think what an amazing platform Kim Kardashian would have if she gave her life to God. Imagine her traveling the country, telling young girls how ashamed she is of her past, and how she hopes and prays that they will find their self-worth in the One who created them, not in the images found in magazines, on television or on the internet…not in images of her.
Imagine the impact Kim Kardashian would have on our sons if she stood before them (fully and decently dressed) apologizing for tempting them. Imagine her telling our sons that when they go to find a wife, they should look for a woman who has kept her clothes on; a woman who can undress in front of him on their wedding night, and honestly say, “You are the only man who has ever seen my body undressed.”
This could happen you know. It’s not impossible. I say that because I serve a God that is bigger than Kim Kardashian and the filth she spreads in our culture. I serve a God that can grab her heart and release her from slavery in the blink of an eye.
Let’s pray for Kim Kardashian, shall we? I’m ready to see her set free!