4 Ways Being a Submissive Wife Does NOT Mean Being a Doormat
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” – Ephesians 5:22-24 This verse can easily spark heated discussion—and for good reason, seeing that it is often misunderstood, taken out of context, and used as a weapon. If you are in a marriage where your husband lords his headship over you in an ungodly manner, I urge you to seek wise counsel from your pastors and elders. The…
6 Ways to Honor Difficult Parents
If you’re reading this because you’re asking the question, “How can I honor my difficult parents,” I commend you for seeking answers rather than simply cutting your difficult parents out of your life. There’s no easy way to say this, but honoring difficult parents can be trying and, in many cases, a lifelong struggle. Your difficult parents may be the biggest cause of stress in your life, and yet, here you are, trying to find ways to persevere. Again, I commend you for that! May the following examples be a starting point for you. A place to start exploring the many ways you can continue to honor your parents as they…
3 Ways to Reflect on God’s Faithfulness through the Changing Seasons
God’s sovereignty and faithfulness are elegantly displayed through the changing seasons. We see this as early as the book of Genesis through God’s covenant with Noah after the flood. Genesis 8:22 says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” We know from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that there is a season for everything. These verses highlight God’s faithfulness in maintaining the order of creation and His consistent care and provision for His creation. And let’s not forget, we are His creation, too! Let’s look at three ways to reflect on God’s faithfulness through the seasons. Click here to read the entire article at Crosswalk.com.
10 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Church as a Senior
As a middle-aged woman who has grown up in the church, I have decades of church attendance to look back on and share how I’ve seen seniors do an excellent job of staying connected with their church family. While exploring some options to keep you connected, keep in mind that this is a list of ways I’ve seen others engage with their church family. You must consider your situation and evaluate your capabilities due to health concerns or physical limitations. I hope this list will help you consider what you’re capable of and that you, regardless of your age or stage in life, can be a tremendous blessing to your…
6 Creative Ways to Incorporate Prayer Throughout Your Day
If you saw the 2015 movie War Room, there’s a chance you were motivated to turn a closet, pantry, or a corner of your bedroom into a dedicated place of prayer. And for good reason! Making time for intentional, dedicated prayer is essential to the Christian life because it’s more than a spiritual discipline – it’s about fostering a relationship with our Heavenly Father. If you search for Christian books, you’ll find a section dedicated to prayer journals, prayer guides, and books on the importance of prayer. Again, for good reason! Because even though we know prayer is vital, many Christians struggle to make the time to sit and talk with…
What Does God Teach Us in Waiting?
As I write this, I am sitting with my mother-in-law in her private room inside an inpatient hospice facility. She is sleeping. We are waiting. Waiting to see when the Lord will take her home. I am also waiting for my mom to get a pathology report regarding her recent surgery for breast cancer. She is recovering. We are waiting. Waiting is hard. There’s no other way to say it. But I’ve come to understand that waiting is what we do as children of God. Waiting, in some ways, defines us as Christians. God’s people wait. We see waiting throughout the Bible, and we see it in our lives today.…
4 Surprising Reasons Christians Are Happier People
When I think of individuals in my life, I know Christians who struggle with depression and maintain general happiness. I know non-Christians who seem to be happy-go-lucky regardless of their life circumstances. Our feelings of happiness are often tied to our personalities and our experiences. Yet, I see an inner joy in those who follow Jesus Christ versus those who don’t. You could ask a hundred Christians to define that inner joy or to describe what aspect of their faith fuels that joy, and you might get a hundred different answers. I offer you four reasons for my inner joy, which I attribute to the gift of faith I have received. Perhaps these four…
Interview with author Danielle M Haas
Danielle, I’d like to highlight your book Laura’s Safe Haven, what is the significance of the title? This book is the first in a new series that’s centered around women who all need a safe space after escaping abuse or just taking those first, scary steps toward a new life. The Safe Haven Women’s Shelter series includes both women who stay at the shelter, and those who volunteer there. Tell me a bit about this book. In Laura’s Safe Haven, Laura is a strong, young woman who has taken the first scary steps away from her abuser. She’s pregnant and scared, and she recognizes how difficult her new life is,…
Interview with author Rich Phelan
I’d like to introduce you to author Rich Phelan. After reading an excerpt of Rich’s work, I’m excited that he’ll be speaking at the Writer’s Conference in April. You can find more details about this conference at the end of the interview. One thing I enjoy about interviewing other authors is seeing how differently our minds work. I enjoy knowing that some of us share a similar writing process while others encourage me, through our differences, to try something new. I also love hearing how different authors describe themselves and the part of their brain that houses all the stories waiting to be written. In this interview, I particularly enjoyed…
Interview with author Jane Nice
Jane Nice is another author who will be speaking at the Writer’s Conference in April. I hope you enjoy learning more about her and don’t forget to check out the conference details at the end! Jane, I’d like to highlight your book, Married to Millie, what is the significance of the title? I came up with the title Married to Millie even before I knew I was going to write the book. Herb Monroe, already in his 80s, was being honored at a reception at the Paulding County Senior Center after winning the Ohio Caregiver of the Year Award for how well he cared for his wife Millie during her…